BIC In Practice: Libraries
Our ‘BIC In Practice’ focus for November is libraries.
The Library sector forms an integral part of the book industry. BIC’s work in this area supports this vital resource, enabling access to books freely and equally to readers across the country.
Effective standards and best practices are critical to ensure that libraries have the tools required to create and maintain systems and communications that underpin the essential processes.
BIC’s work in this area and how you can benefit
BIC has a number of core projects, standards and best practices across libraries, including Libraries Communication Framework (LCF), BIC Realtime for Libraries, Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) for Libraries and UK Standard Library Categories (UKSLC).
Collectively, the outputs of these projects contribute to the following benefits:
- Maintain efficient and effective communication within technologies to deliver an optimised user experience and business communication in the library physical and digital book supply chains
- Improve stock management, information for patrons, and security
- Automate crucial tasks to minimise the impact of processes on staff time and resources
- Define and adhere to/implement a trusted, industry recognised set of operating procedures, standards and best practices
- Facilitate the evidence-based assessment and benchmarking of stock supply, demand and performance
- Provide a logical and user-friendly display of stock, scaleable for different sizes and type of library
- Improve access to library stock, facilitating on-line browsing by subject and genre
BIC members can also apply to join a number of committees and review groups including:
- BIC Libraries Committee
- BIC’s Green Supply Chain Committee
- BIC Library Communication Framework (LCF) Review Group
- BIC Realtime for Libraries Review Group
- BIC Library Metadata Group
Members and non-members alike can access the BIC Technology Excellence in Libraries Award (TEiLA) Accreditation Scheme and library training courses.
Find out more and how to get involved
The best way to get an overview of the BIC’s work with and for libraries is to view and download the ‘BIC: In Practice’ PDF document which in addition to the above also includes links to further useful BIC resources. You can also share the PDF with your colleagues and wider industry acquaintances. Details of how to access BIC’s work and becoming actively involved are found within the PDF.
We will be sharing two further ‘BIC: In Practice’ documents, one in January and another in February. Ensure you’re signed up to our mailing list and follow us on social media (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) to receive the information as soon as it’s available.
Our first three ‘BIC: In Practice’ documents focusing on i) Greening the Supply Chain, ii) Metadata and Classification and iii) Digital Supply Chain were published earlier this year and are available in the Resource Centre.