Page last updated 18th May 2023
BIC Metadata & Technical Training Courses
ONIX Essentials / ONIX Essentials Plus (Online)
Overall rating 4.6 / 5 (2021-2023)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
ONIX Advanced Topics (Online)
Overall rating 4.6 / 5 (2021-2022)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
Thema Essentials (Online)
Overall rating 4.7/5 (2021-2022)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
BIC Production Training Courses
Introduction to Production (Online)
Overall rating 4.2/5 (2021-2023)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
Making and Managing Monochrome (on site)
Overall rating 5/5 (2023)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
eBook Creation: Investigated and Explained (Online)
Overall rating 4.5/5 (2021-2022)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
eBook Creation: Advanced (Online and In Person)
Overall rating 4.75 / 5 (2021-2022)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
Digital Printing for Books ( On site)
Overall rating: 5 /5 (2019)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
Colour Book Production Explained
Overall rating: 5 /5 (2019)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.
Library Courses
EDI for Libraries (Online)
Overall rating 4.5 / 5 (2021-2022)
100% would recommend the course to colleagues.