Klopotek’s Publisher Information Day
To Klopotek’s Publisher Information Day at the RSA on 12th June – the same venue BIC held its DRM v DRM-free BIC battle a few months ago. The day focussed on rights, and the need for publishers to understand rights and for systems to manage rights. BIC’s name was mentioned several times along with BIC’s Product Data Excellence Awards Scheme; and there was lots of enthusiasm for metadata and for standards. Vivek Dubey, Sales Manager at Klopotek UK was our genial host. Great venue with a good turnout of publishers. Something similar to this event is held in Berlin and it was good to have the equivalent held in London for UK publishers. http://www.klopotek.com/pid.html
Simon Edwards,
Book Industry Communication
From the team at Book Industry Communication (BIC) - the UK book industry’s supply chain organisation.
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