BIC Blog

BIC’s An Introduction to Production Training Course

In my role as Reprint Controller for Macmillan Education I work on all production aspects of reprints for backlist titles. This involves preparing print specifications and sourcing cost estimates from suppliers. I was immediately excited about the prospect of ‘An Introduction to Production’ – the course outline comprehensively covered many aspects of Production I wished…

An Introduction to Production

I had been impatiently waiting for this training course to take place; I was very excited to learn as much as I could about book production. The description promised to offer a comprehensive introduction to the most significant processes. By the end of the day, I indeed walked away much more knowledgeable. My personal experience…

Building a relevant book publishing industry for the future: Roles

Last week I posted some of my notes from a panel discussion on the subject of Building a relevant book industry for the future: Diversity, Content and Data at the BIC New Trends in Publishing seminar. Below is the second installment in this series of three blogs.  New roles and new skills Q: Despite how the industry…

Building a relevant book industry for the future: Diversity, Content and Data.

Earlier this month, I was invited to join a panel discussion on the subject of Building a relevant book industry for the future: Diversity, Content and Data at the BIC New Trends in Publishing seminar. The panel was moderated by Karina Luke, Executive Director at BIC and I sat alongside three excellent expert panellists, Sheila Lambie, Senior…

Metadata: A Guide for the Perplexed

‘Anyway, those tickets, the old ones, they didn’t tell you where you were going, much less where you came from. He couldn’t remember seeing any dates on them either, and there was certainly no mention of time. It was all different now, of course. All this information. Archie wondered why this was’.    White Teeth by…

BIC Consultant, Heather OConnell, reports back from the first BIC Production Training session in Italy

I’ve just got back from four days in Italy with Printer Trento’s Jo Clark, running the first BIC Colour Print and Paper Course. We had three trainees with us, Rebecca Evans and Charlotte Dolan from Harper Collins, and Rick Hunt from Ordnance Survey. The sun shone, everyone learned a lot and had fun.We all arrived…

BIC Breakfasts The VAT Session: do not assume anything

BIC Breakfasts have by now become regular affairs in the BIC calendar; and at BIC we hope this frequency allows their focus to remain both current and consistently relevant to the book trade. With this in mind one might question why at this month’s breakfast the discussion centred on EU VAT changes that will not…

Klopotek’s Publisher Information Day

To Klopotek’s Publisher Information Day at the RSA on 12th June – the same venue BIC held its DRM v DRM-free BIC battle a few months ago. The day focussed on rights, and the need for publishers to understand rights and for systems to manage rights. BIC’s name was mentioned several times along with BIC’s…

PODWLEAN Conference, Peterborough

To Peterborough on 7th June to visit Print on Demand Worldwide for their Lean Conference. MD Andy Cork spoke about PODW’s lean methodology while Chris Kinsey plied us with cakes and pastries (so not that lean then!). We had speakers from the UK and Germany and I presented lean metadata on behalf of BIC. PODW’s…

BIC Inaugural Open Day

BIC’s First Open Day was held at RIBA on 15th May. Great turnout filling the Wren Room on the 5th Floor and a succession of speakers, mainly the chairs of BIC committees and Karina our Exec Director. All keen to tell the membership what they’ve been up to over the last few months and what’s…