Author: The BIC Team

From the team at Book Industry Communication (BIC) - the UK book industry’s supply chain organisation.
Creating a green supply chain

Creating a green supply chain

The most significant changes in the book industry can be made to help organisations lower their carbon footprints and become greener through the supply chain. Our promise is to commit to championing the green agenda and to provide organisations with the tools and resources to help them make their supply chains greener and more sustainable.

BIC’s 2023-2024 Strategy

BIC’s 2023-2024 Strategy

We’re delighted to announce that the BIC board has now signed off on our 2023 – 2024 strategy! Below you’ll find an outline of what that means in practical terms and how it impacts our members and the wider publishing industry.

BIC at the London Book Fair 2023

BIC at the London Book Fair 2023

As the global publishing industry focuses on London this spring, there will be a real emphasis on not only ‘defining the future of creative content’, but the role of sustainability within that.

BIC Membership

BIC membership: shaping the future health and prosperity of the book industry – UK, Ireland and beyond

Whatever our routes into the book industry, many of us are driven by a genuine love of books, reading and learning. It’s what contributes to an industry with a real sense of community, many friendships amongst the working relationships and a shared purpose – to sustain the health and future prosperity of the industry.

BIC logo on a muted orange background

The new BIC website is live!

After months of planning and hard work behind the scenes, BIC has a new online home. We are currently in the BETA version, allowing us to test and implement further improvements as users begin to navigate around the new site. As ever at BIC, we are very receptive to feedback, so please get in touch…

BIC Breakfasts The VAT Session: do not assume anything

BIC Breakfasts have by now become regular affairs in the BIC calendar; and at BIC we hope this frequency allows their focus to remain both current and consistently relevant to the book trade. With this in mind one might question why at this month’s breakfast the discussion centred on EU VAT changes that will not…

Klopotek’s Publisher Information Day

To Klopotek’s Publisher Information Day at the RSA on 12th June – the same venue BIC held its DRM v DRM-free BIC battle a few months ago. The day focussed on rights, and the need for publishers to understand rights and for systems to manage rights. BIC’s name was mentioned several times along with BIC’s…

PODWLEAN Conference, Peterborough

To Peterborough on 7th June to visit Print on Demand Worldwide for their Lean Conference. MD Andy Cork spoke about PODW’s lean methodology while Chris Kinsey plied us with cakes and pastries (so not that lean then!). We had speakers from the UK and Germany and I presented lean metadata on behalf of BIC. PODW’s…

BIC Inaugural Open Day

BIC’s First Open Day was held at RIBA on 15th May. Great turnout filling the Wren Room on the 5th Floor and a succession of speakers, mainly the chairs of BIC committees and Karina our Exec Director. All keen to tell the membership what they’ve been up to over the last few months and what’s…

BIC Breakfast January 2013 The Metadata Session Blog!

“Coffee, Croissants and Metadata”Sponsored by Bowker, Guest Speaker Emma Barnes After the initial panic that arose following the explosion of a teabag at the refreshments station (thanks Claire), the first BIC Breakfast of 2013 – and of the 21st Century – got off to a good start. If we averaged out arrival times collectively, we…