What is the Digital Audiobook Supply Chain Best Practice Project?
In August 2022, this project was charged with agreeing, documenting, and promoting industry best practice for the management of the digital audiobook supply chain. Led by Stephen Long, an experienced consultant with three decades of industry expertise, the initiative aims to establish and promote best practices that ensure efficiency, transparency, and growth within the sector.
By addressing the challenges outlined in the Digital Audio Supply Chain Mapping Report, this project seeks to streamline processes, align standards, and enhance the overall consumer experience.
Aims and scope
The project’s primary objective is to develop comprehensive guidelines that encompass the entire digital audiobook supply chain. These guidelines will serve as a reference point for publishers, metadata aggregators, digital asset distributors, wholesalers, booksellers, and consumers. By adopting industry best practices, the project aims to foster efficiency, clarity, and consistency throughout the supply chain, ultimately benefiting all stakeholders involved.
Project Group and Leadership
The project group comprises dedicated volunteers from various organisations within the industry. These individuals, representing the diverse nature of the BIC membership, bring valuable expertise and perspectives to the table. Guiding the project with his vast knowledge and experience, Stephen Long ensures a collaborative and inclusive approach. The group will continue its efforts until June 2023, meeting regularly online to discuss progress, exchange ideas, and make informed decisions.
Current Outputs
The project has already produced valuable outputs to aid in its mission. Firstly, a high-level workflow diagram provides an overview of the digital audiobook supply chain, recognizing the diverse stakeholders and interactions involved.
Secondly, a comprehensive glossary of industry-specific words, abbreviations, and acronyms has been compiled, aiming to eliminate confusion and enhance communication across the sector. These outputs lay the foundation for the forthcoming guidelines and exemplify the project’s commitment to transparency and clarity.
To find out more about the project, you can visit the project page on our website. The final documentation will be shared in our Resource Centre at the end of June 2023. Don’t forget to also sign up to our mailing list, where we signpost and share all the latest updates across our projects, events and training, best practice information and much more.