BIC’s Green Promise

BIC is the book industry’s supply chain organisation and it is in the supply chain that the most significant changes can be made to help organisations lower their carbon footprints and become greener. BIC is committed to championing the green agenda and providing leadership to provide organisations with the tools and resources to help them make their supply chains greener and more sustainable.

BIC’s Green Supply Chain Work Plan

The BIC Green Supply Chain Committee signed off on its Green Supply Chain Work plan ( updated July 2024). This Work Plan has been created in line with BIC’s Green Promise and Agenda, and uses the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals as its framework.

BIC’s Ongoing Green Agenda

The green agenda is woven through all of BIC’s activities and work. BIC is focussed on continuing its great work in bringing the industry together to find the best supply chain solutions, prioritising its green agenda both at home and internationally, and making all findings available to a wider audience. 

BIC’s best practices and standards help organisations navigate the most effective way to implement real and impactful changes to all the above areas such as (for example), the Industry Returns Initiative, BIC Realtime and the Metadata Map Project and capabilities directory. 

BIC runs industry recognised production training courses which highlight and encourage greener practises and help with the elimination of wasteful and carbon heavy methods by championing more sustainable solutions. 

BIC has also launched a series of Green BIC Brunch (#greenbicbrunch) sessions to address key areas in making the book business greener with industry experts speaking.

BIC will continue to align with other UK book industry trade organisations and initiatives to ensure progress at a fast but compatible pace. 

Sustainability Industry Forum (SIF)

BIC is proud to be a member of SIF collaborating with other leading trade associations for publishing and bookselling on the sustainability agenda for the industry. Read the press release here.