BIC Brunch Accessibility Series:

Dedicated to accessibility, this series of BIC Brunches (which launched in July 2024) will over the course of several months, address the following topics: 

  • Back to Basics (Jul 24) – recording available exclusively to BIC members via   
  • Metadata (Sep 24) – view the recording for free
  • Content: EPUBs & PDFs (Oct 24) – recording to come 
  • Alt text (Nov 24)
  • Fixed Layout EPUB/PDF (Dec 24)
  • STEM/Educational/Scholarly Requirements (Jan 25)
  • Websites/Platforms (Feb 25)
  • Digital Audio (Mar 25)
  • DRM, Text-to-Speech and Accessibility (Apr 25)

More sessions to come…

Diagram of an EPUB file 

Kindly provided by James Yanchack, Production Technologies Manager, Taylor & Francis) [LINK TBC] –  this diagram is intended to help show and explain the complexities of the EPUB file. 

PAAG Resources page:

The Publishing Accessibility Action Group (PAAG) resources area is packed full of information relating to a variety of topics including (but not limited to) Alt Text, Testing, Regulations, Complex Content and more:

Outputs from the W3C Working Group – Drafts of Guidelines

Process for providing feedback and asking questions:

If after having read the above guidelines, you have questions for the W3C community that relate to the documents, please open an issue in GitHub repository at:

For straight forward questions, the members of task force will respond to the questions in the issue tracker itself. If they feel that the issue needs discussion, then they will schedule the discussion in one of our meetings.

Even if you do not have feedback at this time, it is important to know that you are interested in implementing these guides. Please comment in the following issue to show your interest and provide your name, email address, and company/organization in the comment. It will help in keeping you updated as we make more progress.

Outputs from the W3C Working Group – Drafts of Guidelines, Links Below:

Validation Tools

Guidelines for font size

Not all fonts are created accessible. Find out more information on accessible fonts with hints and tips for implementing them:

ONIX is able to share data with regards to font and font size. This is done using the same composite that is used for accessibility information, <ProductFormFeature> and code 03 from ONIX code list 79:

You would include the typeface name in <ProductFormFeatureDescription> and the size, in points, in <ProductFormFeatureValue>. There is an example of this in the ONIX documentation cited in the ONIX subpage.

Reading List

The following gives a good overview of the European Accessibility Act for non-EU members: