BIC announces appointment of its Green Supply Chain Committee Chair and launches its Green Supply Chain Work Plan 

Press Release
11th October 2021  London, UK

BIC announces appointment of Rachel Martin, Global Director Sustainability at Elsevier, as Chair of its new Green Supply Chain Committee and launches its Green Supply Chain Work Plan.

Book Industry Communication (BIC) today announced the appointment of Rachel Martin, Global Sustainability Director, Elsevier, as Chair of its recently created Green Supply Chain Committee.

With representatives from 20 organisations, this committee has been established in order to serve as a strategic, central point for senior representatives from key book industry stakeholder organisations to convene on a regular basis to lead, drive and facilitate high level, cross-industry conversations, collaborations and drive forward solutionsfor environmental issues pertaining to the supply chain. Benefitting from a direct link to the Green Book Alliance(GBA), BIC’s Green Supply Chain Committee is responsible for overseeing the delivery of its recently agreedGreen Supply Chain WorkPlan, which uses the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals as its framework and addresses the following key areas: 

  1. Events, Training, Information Resources & Lifelong Learning
  2. Sustainable Consumption and Production
  3. Designed for Recycling Project
  4. Green Supply Chain Accreditation
  5. Waste Prevention and Returns
  6. Communications, Reporting and Behaviours
  7. Green Book Alliance –International Sustainability Hub for the book industry

Speaking of her appointment, Rachel Martin observed, “The effects of climate change are being felt in every region of the world and urgent action is needed. It is a privilege to become the new Chair of the Green Supply Chain Committee. I look forward to working with the committee members as we champion the green agendaacross the book sector and sharpen our focusand actions on making ourcomplex supply chains greener and more sustainable”

Karina Urquhart, Executive Director of BIC noted, “As Global Director Sustainability at Elsevier, and with the full support of the BIC Green SupplyChain Committee, Rachel is strongly positioned to help steer us towards a successful delivery of the BIC Green Work Plan, which builds upon and is in perfect alignment with BIC’s Green Promise. I amdelighted that she has agreed to take up theposition of Chair and amlooking forward to working with Rachel over the coming months and years on this incredibly important area for the book industry.”

It is in the supply chain that significant changes can be made by the book industry to lower its carbon footprint and improve its green credentials. BIC is focussed on developing and promoting industry standards to help reduce this and help organisations become more sustainable: As the long-established dedicated supply chain organisation for the book industry, BICis at the heart of leading the greening required. 

End of press release

More information:

BIC’s Green Supply Chain Committee

BIC’s Green Promise and Agenda

The BIC Green Hub