
Region / Country

  • Global

Environmental standards


Social and ethical responsibility standards


Is there a label to put on the product?


Who can hold accreditation?

  • Distributor
  • Finisher
  • Publisher
  • Printer
  • Mill

Who / what has accreditation

  • Product

Independent verification / audit


Accreditation information

Key stats

Relevant to book industry?

  • Publishers
  • Distributors/ sellers
  • Printers

Where in supply chain?

  • Paper

Key stakeholders?

  • Publisher
  • Mill
  • Printer
  • Finisher
  • Distributors

What type of entity is the badge certifying?

  • Pulp products

Organisation/management procedures & outcomes?

Totally Chlorine Free (TCF), Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) and Sustainability Index (SI) Term to describe chlorine used in the manufacture of paper – covered by REACH Toy Safety directive and CMR substances in EU.

Environmental Attributes

Identifying the key elements

  1. What are the applicable environmental attributes?

Reduces emission of carcinogenic organochlorines

  1. Does the badge intend to assess social aspects & how are they related to environmental attributes?


  1. Which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the accreditation aligned to? How would receiving the certification help an organisation to achieve these goals?

Not defined at this time.

  1. Is it recognised on an international, European or country level?


  1. Does the badge have mutual recognition with other labels?


  1. What are the benefits and practicalities to the organisation receiving the accreditation? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. a) Cost 

$10k travel fee + expenses

  1. b) Time to achieve certification 

Not defined at this time.

  1. c) Do the certified bodies have to publish your progress every year ?

Not defined at this time.

  1. d) Response times for audit outcomes, reports and recommendations 

Not defined at this time.

  1. Is the accreditation tiered?


Assessment criteria

Governance Quality

  1. What is the overarching objective of the accreditation body? 

To promote chlorine free throughout the world

  1. a) How is the badge verified? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. a) i. Independent body 


  1. a) ii. Governing body 

Not defined at this time.

  1. a) iii. Self-regulating 

Not defined at this time.

  1. b) What are the criteria used to be recognized as the above? Considering human resource, technical expertise and financial input 

Not defined at this time.

  1. a) How often are the certified products/organisations/projects re-evaluated? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. b) How often are the assessment and certification practices re-evaluated? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. c) What input do stakeholders have to the governance structure and certification processes? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. d) How responsive is the certification body to this feedback? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. To what extent are the answers questions 2 and 3 made transparent to consumers, the certified organisations and any other stakeholders? 

Not defined at this time.

Governance effectiveness

  1. What environmental performance metrics are used – consumption data, emissions, life cycle analysis etc.? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. a) How complete and accurate are these assessments? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. b) How are these benchmarked? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. c) What is the scoring system used? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. In what form are the outputs of certification delivered? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. Are clear, actionable recommendations delivered and implemented? 

Not defined at this time.

  1. To what extent do end-users understand what the badge is certifying? How visible is this on an end-product e.g., through a label? 

Not defined at this time.

Social Responsibility Attributes

Key elements

  1. What are the key social performance areas the accreditations assesses? For instance, community involvement and human rights

Not defined at this time.

  1. Do the above social performance areas interlink with achieving any positive environmental impacts?

Not defined at this time.

  1. Does the accreditation have different requirements for SMEs compared with larger organisations?

Not defined at this time.

Governance Effectiveness

  1. What indicators are used to assess the social impact areas?

Not defined at this time.

  1. Are the above indicators a complete and accurate reflection of these social impacts?

Not defined at this time.

  1. How does the certification weight these indicators according to their effect on social value?

Not defined at this time.