CFPA (Chlorine Free Product Association)
The Chlorine Free Products Association (CFPA) is an independent not-for-profit accreditation & standard setting organisation.
Region / Country
- Global
Environmental standards
Social and ethical responsibility standards
Is there a label to put on the product?
Who can hold accreditation?
- Distributor
- Finisher
- Publisher
- Printer
- Mill
Who / what has accreditation
- Product
Independent verification / audit
Accreditation information
Key stats
Relevant to book industry?
- Publishers
- Distributors/ sellers
- Printers
Where in supply chain?
- Paper
Key stakeholders?
- Publisher
- Mill
- Printer
- Finisher
- Distributors
What type of entity is the badge certifying?
- Pulp products
Organisation/management procedures & outcomes?
Totally Chlorine Free (TCF), Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) and Sustainability Index (SI) Term to describe chlorine used in the manufacture of paper – covered by REACH Toy Safety directive and CMR substances in EU.
Environmental Attributes
Identifying the key elements
- What are the applicable environmental attributes?
Reduces emission of carcinogenic organochlorines
- Does the badge intend to assess social aspects & how are they related to environmental attributes?
- Which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the accreditation aligned to? How would receiving the certification help an organisation to achieve these goals?
Not defined at this time.
- Is it recognised on an international, European or country level?
- Does the badge have mutual recognition with other labels?
- What are the benefits and practicalities to the organisation receiving the accreditation?
Not defined at this time.
- a) Cost
$10k travel fee + expenses
- b) Time to achieve certification
Not defined at this time.
- c) Do the certified bodies have to publish your progress every year ?
Not defined at this time.
- d) Response times for audit outcomes, reports and recommendations
Not defined at this time.
- Is the accreditation tiered?
Assessment criteria
Governance Quality
- What is the overarching objective of the accreditation body?
To promote chlorine free throughout the world
- a) How is the badge verified?
Not defined at this time.
- a) i. Independent body
- a) ii. Governing body
Not defined at this time.
- a) iii. Self-regulating
Not defined at this time.
- b) What are the criteria used to be recognized as the above? Considering human resource, technical expertise and financial input
Not defined at this time.
- a) How often are the certified products/organisations/projects re-evaluated?
Not defined at this time.
- b) How often are the assessment and certification practices re-evaluated?
Not defined at this time.
- c) What input do stakeholders have to the governance structure and certification processes?
Not defined at this time.
- d) How responsive is the certification body to this feedback?
Not defined at this time.
- To what extent are the answers questions 2 and 3 made transparent to consumers, the certified organisations and any other stakeholders?
Not defined at this time.
Governance effectiveness
- What environmental performance metrics are used – consumption data, emissions, life cycle analysis etc.?
Not defined at this time.
- a) How complete and accurate are these assessments?
Not defined at this time.
- b) How are these benchmarked?
Not defined at this time.
- c) What is the scoring system used?
Not defined at this time.
- In what form are the outputs of certification delivered?
Not defined at this time.
- Are clear, actionable recommendations delivered and implemented?
Not defined at this time.
- To what extent do end-users understand what the badge is certifying? How visible is this on an end-product e.g., through a label?
Not defined at this time.
Social Responsibility Attributes
Key elements
- What are the key social performance areas the accreditations assesses? For instance, community involvement and human rights
Not defined at this time.
- Do the above social performance areas interlink with achieving any positive environmental impacts?
Not defined at this time.
- Does the accreditation have different requirements for SMEs compared with larger organisations?
Not defined at this time.
Governance Effectiveness
- What indicators are used to assess the social impact areas?
Not defined at this time.
- Are the above indicators a complete and accurate reflection of these social impacts?
Not defined at this time.
- How does the certification weight these indicators according to their effect on social value?
Not defined at this time.