Version 1.0


The Libraries Technical Implementation Clinic (LTIC) provides an important support role in the book supply chain. The focus is on the library sector: public, academic, university libraries etc., library suppliers, systems vendors, and data aggregators etc., and on the electronic messaging used to enable its improved supply chain. From time to time almost all supply chain participants encounter problems or issues which are best solved by consultation with expert colleagues including some of their suppliers. The main focus of the clinic is on EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) which involves the exchange of business messages (such as purchase orders or invoices) between supply chain organisations. An expert panel made up of BIC members with considerable experience of these issues, provides a permanent core membership for the clinic and then in addition, any BIC member can participate, initially online via Slack, to ask a question or discuss an issue.

The LTIC reports into the BIC Libraries committee and the core panel of experts is made up of BIC members and BIC’s technical consultants who are deemed by the committee to be experts in the area under consideration. Non-BIC members may be invited to the clinic by a BIC member as a one-off (taster/guest), or as a guest speaker/expert, only after prior agreement with BIC’s Executive Director. The LTIC is open to all BIC member organisations who may wish to:

  • Highlight a particular technical issue to BIC and/or
  • Participate in the online clinic from time to time on a “drop in” basis, or
  • Participate on a more regular basis. 

The LTIC Panel

The core membership of the LTIC panel is made up of volunteer experts from organisations in BIC membership. These can be invited by the BIC Libraries Committee or BIC management, or they can volunteer by applying to the BIC Libraries Committee  giving details of their experience in the relevant areas.

Scope of Work

The core business of the LTIC is to maintain as fit for purpose, the Tradacoms and EDIFACT guidelines and codelists which set out how EDI works in the book industry. The LTIC also has involvement with BIC Realtime for Libraries APIs as these are adopted across the industry, and the Library Communication Framework (LCF). It is also a repository for requests for changes to these new standards. The LTIC maintains an interest in metadata as used in order acknowledgements. 


Much of the LTIC’s business is technical in that the LTIC panel and BIC members are discussing detailed issues such as (as an example) investigative work regarding the library sector use and application of EDI Quotes and Standing orders messaging.  This requires a combination of sector and technical knowledge, an understanding of libraries’ and/or suppliers’ processes and a knowledge of EDI standards, guidelines etc. 

Remit and responsibilities of the BIC LTIC:


  • To research, address and find a solution to any technical issue brought to it by BIC members or BIC committees including the Libraries Committee.
  • To provide clinic minutes to the BIC Libraries committee after each meeting (when held) and to obtain committee or BIC Board approval (as appropriate) in advance for any significant work such as major updates of the EDI guidelines.
  • Where appropriate, to comprehensively test and pilot any solutions, obtaining widespread agreement across the industry before publishing advisories or changes to the guidelines.


  • BIC will monitor the conversations and issues in Slack and escalate to the relevant people/committee etc., where/if required. 
  • Should BIC feel an online meeting of interested parties would be a more efficient way of discussing the issue at hand, then BIC staff will arrange this and send invitations. 
  • Shortly after each LTIC meeting (if held), BIC will circulate action points, decisions and meeting notes to all members who attended the meeting and to BIC’s Executive Director.
  • Once signed off by the Executive Director, the meeting notes are circulated to a large number of BIC members who have registered to receive this information and actions are acted upon. 

BIC Libraries Technical Implementation Clinic Panel of Experts:


  • To attend and contribute to every online or (occasional) face to face clinic meeting – where 3 consecutive meetings are missed BIC’s Executive Director may consider it appropriate and necessary for someone else to attend, either from the same organisation or from another organisation
  • Should a member leave their own organisation, BIC will seek to arrange a replacement from that same organisation or from another organisation.
  • To commit to sitting on the LTIC Expert Panel for the term agreed – usually one year minimum.
  • Execute actions/tasks to schedule.
  • Alert BIC’s Executive Director ASAP if required actions are going to be delayed 
  • Report the LTIC’s discussions and findings/solutions back to their own organisation and return feedback (within the limits of confidentiality)


  • Most work undertaken by the LTIC involves monitoring of Slack and attending any online meetings and contributing expertise. Occasionally it may be necessary for an expert panel member to investigate how an issue is managed within their own organisation and report back.
  • Maintain appropriate confidentiality at all times, especially with regards to minutes and any other documentation/conversations.
  • Agree to all minutes taken at each online meeting being made available to BIC members.
  • Generally, promote the work of BIC and be a BIC advocate

BIC Libraries Technical Clinic Chair:

Should the BIC LTIC meet online, a Chair will be appointed beforehand in by the panel of experts and BIC’s Executive Director. 

Chair Responsibilities:


  • To chair and run the online clinic meeting effectively
  • To ensure actions are assigned appropriately at each meeting and followed up on


  • Be willing & able to devote sufficient time to lead the LTIC meeting effectively. 
  • To maintain appropriate confidentiality at all times especially with regards minutes and any other documentation 
  • Generally, promote the work of BIC and be a BIC advocate

Frequency of LTIC Meetings

The BIC LTIC currently meets online on an ad-hoc basis. Meetings are booked well ahead so that all expert panel members can diarise the meetings and commit to attending. 

Most meetings of the LTIC will be online, although occasionally some meetings will be face-to-face.