Carbon Footprint
Community Carbon Marketplace – Buy, Sell Reduce and go beyond Carbon Neutral
The Carbon Footprint Calculator is available for users to calculate the carbon footprint of their organization or recent activity such as flights. Users can then choose to invest in the community carbon credits to not only reduce your carbon footprint but also support the inspiring GHG reduction initiative of your choosing.
Global Footprint Network – Calculate your ecological footprint
This international nonprofit organisation founded in 2003 envisions a future where all can thrive within the means of one planet. Their mission is to help end ecological limits central to decision making. This is achieved using metrics, actionable insights and tools such as the ecological footprint calculator.
B Corporation – Environmental Certification
Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corps are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy. Read more about B Corp Certification.
Digital Trends
DIMPACT project
DIMPACT is a collaborative project, convened by Carnstone, with world-class researchers from the University of Bristol and twenty-three of the world’s most innovative media and technology companies, will help the media industry understand and manage the significant carbon impacts of digital content.
Information to follow
Two Sides
Two Sides is a not-for-profit global initiative promoting the unique sustainable and attractive attributes of print, paper, and paper packaging. Globally, Two Sides has over 600 members spanning the print, paper and packaging value chain including: forestry, pulp, paper, packaging, inks and chemicals, finishing, publishing, printing, envelopes, and postal operators.
European Union Deforestation Regulations (EUDR)
Please click here for the EUDR page.
Forest Stewardship Council – Global Forest Certification System
FSC runs a global forest certification system with two key components, forest management and chain of custody. FSC also licenses retailers and other end users to promote FSC labelled products, without holding FSC certification. The FSC system allows businesses and consumers to identify, purchase and use wood, paper and other forest products made with materials from well-managed forests and/or recycled sources.
Canopy works with the forest industry’s biggest customers and their suppliers to develop business solutions that protect these last frontier forests. Best known for greening the Harry Potter book series globally, Canopy catalyzes the development of tangible alternatives and is a key player behind some of the world’s most innovative conservation initiatives. Canopy’s brand partners include Penguin-Random House, Scholastic, and many other well-known brands in their sectors.
Paper Steps defines what’s in your paper and helps paper consumers make more environmentally responsible choices by helping you discern which paper qualities are environmentally preferable. Sustainable brands can get expert, independent advice on environmentally superior paper choices using this online tool.
Blueline Ranking of Sustainability in the North American Print Sector
Studies have consistently shown that the highest carbon footprint of a printed product – like magazines and newspapers – comes from the paper these materials are printed on. The Canopy Blueline Ranking is an invaluable resource for every business requiring printing services while also striving to meet corporate sustainability objectives.
Here is the link to the Canopy tools page which includes an ecopaper database which now includes Europe and is also very useful for sourcing paper.
PEFC – Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
PEFC is an umbrella Organisation, they endorse national forest certification systems that have been developed through multi-stakeholder processes and tailored to local priorities and conditions. But they also do so much more.
SFI – Sustainable Forestry Initiative
The SFI is a sustainability organisation operating in the U.S. and Canada that works across four pillars: standards, conservation, community, and education.
Information to follow
UK Government Resources
For SME’s:
Take a look at the sustainability resources that have been made available on the UK Business Climate Hub. This hub contains practical tools, resources and advice to help SMEs understand their carbon footprints and how best to go about developing strategies for reducing them.
Organisations are encouraged to sign up to the SME Climate Commitment to reduce emissions in by 50% by 2030, and to achieve net zero by 2050 at the latest.
United Nations Resources
For ordering UN books but also SDG and UN gift items such as masks, organic cotton t-shirts, reusable water bottles and much more. All proceeds support the work of the UN:
The UN iLibrary is a one stop shop for accessing reliable, primary source content on the SDGs and other UN themes from across the UN system. Anyone anywhere with an internet connection can search, share and read thousands of books, reports, journals and working papers from the UN.
UN SDG Publishers Compact information and sign-up page:
UN SDG Book Club for children ages 6 – 12: