Page last updated 30th May 2019
The following documentation is designed to offer guidance and advice on Best Practice with regards to the communication of changes of ownership via acquisition, divestment or merger. It is expected that these documents will be used by acquiring, divesting and/or merging publishers primarily and referred to by retailers, data aggregators, distributors, any/all 3rd parties involved in the supply of eBooks in the book industry.
It is expect ed that the Best Practice Guidelines document (below) will be used once the key preliminary legal work has been completed. The accompanying document, “Mergers and Acquisitions: an Introduction to the Role of your Legal Team” – which has been kindly written by Harbottle & Lewis LLP – covers the key preliminary legal work areas.
Included in the scope of these documents are eBooks, downloadable audiobooks and digital products. A separate document for print books and digital files associated with physical products can be viewed here.