The Library Communications Framework (LCF) is a set of library interoperability standards which defines a framework for the communication of data between self – service and other library terminal applications to and from libra ry management systems. The LCF standard is recommended by BIC as the best way to implement communications between systems within a library, for example between a Library Management System (LMS/ILS) and an RFID Self – Service Solution.
The LCF newsletter is a periodical publication written by Mick Fortune (Consultant for BIC, and past Chair of both the BIC LCF Technical Panel and LCF Review Group) on behalf of BIC in order to update BIC members and non – members al ike on news, implementation progress, and the ongoing development of LCF.
If you would like to join the BIC LCF mailing list in order to receive new editions of the LCF newsletter directly to your inbox please register to Mailing List 8 here.