The BIC Metadata Map project was commissioned by the BIC Metadata Sub-Committee with the purpose of creating a map of the UK book industry’s metadata supply chain from the point of creation (with the publisher as the start point) through to the end-recipients of the metadata (i.e., consumers). The goal is to promote an increased level of learning across the book industry with regards to other organisations’ practices by the mutual sharing of up-to-date information. BIC strongly believes this will help resolve issues and identify gaps / grey areas within the metadata supply chain.
BIC Metadata Capabilities Directory (MCD)
The first deliverable of the Metadata Map project, the MCD, was officially launched on 22nd July 2021. The MCD provides the opportunity for BIC members to share information about their metadata activities with other participating members from across the UK data supply chain. Participants each provide a response to a detailed survey whether they are a data supplier, data recipient or both. Contributions are shared in the secure directory only with other contributors.
The MCD is available to all BIC members. Organisations considering joining the MCD may wish to review the potential benefits here:
Benefits Statement for Contributing Organisations
Background to the MCD within the Metadata Map project
Project Launch at London Book Fair 2018
This project was launched at the BIC Building a Better Business Seminar at London Book Fair 2018.
The BIC Metadata Map presentation can be found here.
Project Brief
Read the full Project Brief here.
An update on the project as well as an overview of the progress made was provided at the BIC Building a Better Business Seminar at London Book Fair 2019; the slideshow for which can be found, below:
The BIC Metadata Map Project by Peter Mathews, Project Lead.
The MCD was originally launched to a ‘Pioneer Group’ of invited member organisations as a limited live launch. These early adopters provided submissions to the MCD ahead of the full launch to all BIC members. The MCD was introduced at a BIC Brunch on Thursday 29th October 2020 with presentations from the Project Consultant and three of the Pioneer Group contributing organisations.
The presentation slides are available here and a full recording of the event is also available here.
Progress Reports
The project has been running for over two years and regular updates on progress have been published monthly.
The most recent Metadata Map progress report can be found here.
Previous reports are available to BIC members (only) on request – contact us
Metadata Capabilities Directory documentation
Contributing to the MCD is subject to a set of conditions defined by BIC (see the Terms of Reference, below) and, since this is a collaborative venture with members, is also subject to a Code of Practice for all participants. Read the relevant documents, here:
Terms of Reference for Contributing Organisations
Code of Practice for Participants
If you’re from a BIC member organisation and would like to find out more about the benefits of contributing to the MCD, please contact us.