Sustainable Typesetting® is the combination of typeface design with optimised legibility through increased x-height and low contrast and typographic distribution of white space between letters, word and lines and improved space efficiency through optimised margin proportions with the aim of saving a significant amount of pages with reduced CO2 emissions and considerable financial savings. 2K/DENMARK are type foundry, graphic designers, typesetters, concept developers. Today we offer a range of services, delivering only high quality results. We work with publishers around the world and have over the years specialised in typeface design, book design and typesetting of highly complex texts, among which the Bible holds a prominent and prestigious position. In our Development department we design and develop concepts and innovative products for and in collaboration with our partners.
Region / Country
- Global
Environmental standards
Social and ethical responsibility standards
Is there a label to put on the product?
Who can hold accreditation?
- Publisher
- Printer
Who / what has accreditation
- Product
Independent verification / audit
Accreditation information
Key stats
Relevant to book industry?
- Publishers
- Printers
Where in supply chain?
- Products and services
- Typesetters and Graphic Designers
Key stakeholders?
- Publisher
- Typesetters and Graphic Designers
What type of entity is the badge certifying?
- Product Design, Layout and Typesetting
Organisation/management procedures & outcomes?
Sustainable Typesetting ensures that all available white space has been fully utilised optimally, while ensuring the readability of the product is not compromised to make it as inclusive as possible for all age groups.
Environmental Attributes
Identifying the key elements
- What are the applicable environmental attributes?
Substantial reduction of raw materials and production cost = at least the same % amount for CO2 emission reduction of product. To make sure that there is no unnecessary paper waste on product.
- Does the badge intend to assess social aspects & how are they related to environmental attributes?
No – however it increases mark-up on products which provide more money to invest in other areas such as a wider range of publication diversity.
- Which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the accreditation aligned to? How would receiving the certification help an organisation to achieve these goals?
12 Responsible consumption and production, 13 Climate action. Substantial reduction of raw materials (paper/trees) and production cost needed for products. Applicable right away for all publishers no matter company size. The % reduction carries through all aspects of the supply-chain and gives the publisher (reporting company) direct influence on scope 3 emissions.
- Is it recognised on an international, European or country level?
- Does the badge have mutual recognition with other labels?
- What are the benefits and practicalities to the organisation receiving the accreditation?
High ROI, Low implication cost and easy to apply and measure impact, affect all parts of the supply-chain, a way to promote sustainable actions from the company.
- a) Cost
Dependent on many variables, resulting in a bespoke price per publisher
- b) Time to achieve certification
Dependent on the conversations with the publisher as to their needs will determine the length of time to achieve accreditation.
- c) Do the certified bodies have to publish your progress every year ?
- d) Response times for audit outcomes, reports and recommendations
Variable depending on company size
- Is the accreditation tiered?
Assessment criteria
Governance Quality
- What is the overarching objective of the accreditation body?
To provide low cost, high impact sustainability solution to all industry stakeholders no matter company size and to Inform decision makers in the publishing industry of initial design possibilities with large effects on carbon emissions and raw material usage. Making a shift from traditional design and production to a modern and sustainable one.
- a) How is the badge verified?
2K/DENMARK verifies all publishers independently.
- a) i. Independent body
Not defined at this time.
- a) ii. Governing body
Not defined at this time.
- a) iii. Self-regulating
- b) What are the criteria used to be recognized as the above? Considering human resource, technical expertise and financial input
A high degree of technical, typographic, environmental and readability expertise is required to verify products.
- a) How often are the certified products/organisations/projects re-evaluated?
Continuous evaluation through the time a company uses certification and license.
- b) How often are the assessment and certification practices re-evaluated?
Continuous evaluation through the time a company uses certification and license.
- c) What input do stakeholders have to the governance structure and certification processes?
All input is welcome
- d) How responsive is the certification body to this feedback?
Depends on the degree of expertise from stakeholders on relevant measures.
- To what extent are the answers questions 2 and 3 made transparent to consumers, the certified organisations and any other stakeholders?
Available publicly through website and info will be provided for the specific product to consumer, stakeholder or organisation if contacted.
Governance effectiveness
- What environmental performance metrics are used – consumption data, emissions, life cycle analysis etc.?
The reduction happens in the design-phase of the product, and by default everything through the entire supply-chain is reduced. All climate calculation tools will show at least the same emission reduction as the amount of raw material saved in design-phase. LCA will show the same % reduction as well.
- a) How complete and accurate are these assessments?
100% complete and accurate as it is in the design-phase the reduction happens. % through supply-chain will always stay the same all else being equal.
- b) How are these benchmarked?
Against specific company provided data and industry standards. All products receive individually calculated reductions.
- c) What is the scoring system used?
- In what form are the outputs of certification delivered?
Tools and templates for implementation tailored to the specific company.
- Are clear, actionable recommendations delivered and implemented?
Yes – total solution is provided. All tools, templates and course for implementation tailored to company products.
- To what extent do end-users understand what the badge is certifying? How visible is this on an end-product e.g., through a label?
Trademark certified label on outside product and inside copyright page with link to further information. Trademark specifically states what part of the product is influenced and affected.
Social Responsibility Attributes
Key elements
- What are the key social performance areas the accreditations assesses? For instance, community involvement and human rights
Responsible production and CO2 emission reduction. IS
- Do the above social performance areas interlink with achieving any positive environmental impacts?
- Does the accreditation have different requirements for SMEs compared with larger organisations?
No – same process to ensure transparency and keep accreditation value high.
Governance Effectiveness
- What indicators are used to assess the social impact areas?
- Are the above indicators a complete and accurate reflection of these social impacts?
- How does the certification weight these indicators according to their effect on social value?